Monday, March 2, 2009

I don't want to talk about it...

Booo....This was a BAD week. It started off with stress and lots of it. I headed a committee that put on a family literacy night. All the hard work culminated on Tuesday with over 100 pizzas and 20 or so packages of cookies. What a night that was. It was very chaotic, but seemed to go well. There were over 600 people RSVP'd for the event. However, only about half that showed up. We had planned for the 600 and therefore we had way to many pizzas and cookies. That meant plenty of both for me to eat for days to come. Also Tuesday just happened to be the birthday table at school for all those with February birthdays. That means cake in the lounge to tempt teachers during lunch. Needless to say that I did not resist the temptation. Things only went downhill from there. Because of Literacy Night, I did not go to the gym on Tuesday, which lead right into being lazy for the remainder of the week. Finally Belinda and I had enough. We decided to get our butts into high gear. We worked out harder than ever before on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Yes, all three days we were in that gym. However, that was just not enough to reverse my prior slip-ups. As I stepped on the scale this morning, I knew it would not be good. I am up 2 pounds. I am back over 190...yuck!!! I will not post a picture out of protest. I am NOT going backwards. I will be skinny!
Moving on...
On Saturday I had a wonderful girly day. Belinda and I went to the gym as per our usual Saturday routine. We worked so hard and pushed ourselves beyond what we even thought possible. We had these two ladies on either side of us that put their machines on a higher resistance than us, so being the competative chicks that we are, we uped our resistance and kept going at the same speed. We nearly died! After some weight lifting...grrrrrr...we got our teas at Starbucks. We then went and got our nails done. Followed by some shopping. What a wonderful day! It was exactly what I needed to relax and get back on track! goes another week! wish me luck!


  1. Um at least you're not alone, I paid a buck, too.

  2. Don't sweat it chick!! You're stronger, tougher, buffer, and yes....SMALLER!!! Hang in there-we're in for the long haul!
    BTW-girly day is just what we both needed!!!
