Sunday, June 12, 2011

Best Three Months of My Life

You hear mothers say that you really don't know how much you can love until you have a child. I always knew they were right and thought I understood. I didn't. Josephine is the most precious thing I have ever known. I look at her and I see a piece of her dad and a piece of myself and it is truly awe inspiring. My life is forever changed and I can't imagine it any other way!!!

The first month was filled with a slew of trial and error. By the time our baby girl turned one month old, we felt like pros (or as much like pros as parents ever feel). We grew to know Josephine's every whimper, cry, fuss, and squeal even if we didn't know quite how to make everything better. We worked through eating issues and sleeping issues. In the blink of an eye Joey was 1 month old...

As Joey grew and became more familiar with her world, she became even more fun to watch and interact with. Her personality was beginning to show. So cute, our little Jo Jo Monkey!

Three months oh my what can change in 12 short weeks. She can now play and laugh. She knows her mommy and daddy and smiles when she sees us. She lifts her head and sits up tall (while mommy holds on tight). We get so excited at each new thing she learns. Just today she grabbed a toy out of my hands and with one fluid movement, took it to her mouth. She knew what she wanted and now knows how to get it! This has truly been the most wonderful three (almost four) months of my life!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Baby Josephine

Peter and I were ready to spend a nice relaxing weekend hanging around the house and getting a few things done before Josephine came. Friday night, I went to bed and I didn't sleep well. I was having some minor pains all through the night, but it was nothing that I could really put my finger on. I woke up Saturday morning and the pains continued. They were not strong and were not really regular, but they did feel like cramps, so I thought it was possible they were contractions. I began timing them and they were very irregular. They continued all day, gradually getting stronger and more pronounced. I was really staring to think that Josephine was going to make her appearance soon. Sure enough, by about 2:0o Sunday morning, I told Peter that I needed to call the doctor. He told me to go ahead on in to the hospital. Finally after about 6 hours in triage, they admitted me to labor and delivery. The contractions were strong by then but I was only about 1 cm dilated. By about 4:00 in the afternoon, I was ready for my epidural. After the epidural, I felt fine, but Josephine decided to back up out of the birth canal and I stopped dilating. After 20 hours of labor, and progress at a stand still they decided to take me in for a c-section. We welcomed our little girl at 11:20 on Sunday, February 27, 2011. As it turned out, God was watching over us, because Josephine's cord was wrapped tightly around her neck twice and had we attempted to have her vaginally, she could have been in serious danger.

Josephine Ryne Scalia 6lbs. 10 oz. 18 inches.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 Weeks and Counting

I am now officially into the third trimester of this pregnancy. I have truly enjoyed some parts and have hated others. Josephine is already such a huge part of our lives and she provides us with constant entertainment. She is moving all the time now and Pete loves to feel her move and talk and "play" with her. She really seems to recognize his voice. She moves around a lot more when he is around and talking. Watching him interact with her is more enjoyable for me than I can put into words. It is becoming increasingly difficult to sleep and for those of you who know me well, you know how much I love and need my sleep. Indigestion has been the worst part of pregnancy for me. I get heartburn every day without fail and it does not seem to make a difference what or when I eat. I am finding ways to cope, but it really sucks sometimes. The bigger I get the more uncomfortable I become...I'm not sure why I would have expected anything else.
All in all, I am enjoying the experience, but I can't wait for Josephine to come out and meet us!

This is on Thanksgiving...around 25 weeks.

This is about 27 weeks.

And this is about 28 weeks.