Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Resurrection brings new life

Happy Easter! He is risen!
While thinking about Easter and explaining the true meaning of this celebration to my children, I got to thinking about my life. What is God's purpose for me? Am I doing all I can to fulfill that calling?
I truly believe that God wants me to help this world's children. Most importantly, my own children. Am I doing enough? Am I making them the ultimate priority in my life? The answer is no...
My family IS first in my heart, but not in my actions. Don't get me wrong, I feel I am a good mother. I adore my sweet babies! I love them, care for them, meet their every need and provide the best life I can for them. has become a chore. I go through the motions as a mom ensuring we all get through the day. Lunches are made, kids get to school, everyone gets home, dinner is made, homework is done, noses are wiped, boo boos are kissed, baths are taken, stories are read, and the kids are in bed dreaming sweet dreams. This is the same routine day after day. Notice what's missing?
Adventures, silliness, playtime, creations,
Again, don't think that none of this ever happens, but it doesn't happen enough. Why? The answer is ME. I am too tired, too distracted, too stressed, too overwhelmed, too consumed by all of life's trials and by things that just don't matter.
The Resurrection brings new life. What joy this brings me right now! My life and my family's lives are renewed. This is the time to make some changes and begin again. And it all starts with me.
It is time for a change. A change in mindset, a change in health, and a change in my priorities. Thank God for this beautiful life He has given me and for guiding me to fulfil my purpose.

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